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ETS Social Promotion


AmiCorti International Film Festival is a cultural association for social promotion according to Art. 35 CTS, indicated in fact as an activity of general interest. Registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Cuneo with REA Number: CN-326412. AmiCorti International Film Festival and associate member of AFIC - Italian Cinema Festival Association. It was born with the aim of transform Piedmont and the Cuneo area, especially the small mountain towns, into exceptional film sets for directors, producers, actors and a wide audience of different genders and age groups.

It’s born to stimulate the public through a concept of social art that creeps into everyday life, distorts it and overturns its prejudices, anticipating trends with the intention of

disseminate cinematographic culture through the proposal of high-quality cultural, independent, international films. And of an alternative kind. Over the years he has continued to collaborate regularly by providing consultancy, loaning audiovisual materials or taking care of the film section of individual events - with the main local and regional institutions, bodies and associations: Turin Cinema Museum, San Francesco Civic Museum in Cuneo, Monviso cinema in the city of Cuneo, Edmondo De Amicis Institute in Cuneo, Toselli Theater in Cuneo, Chiusa di Pesio and Peveragno Comprehensive School, Municipality of Peveragno, Municipality of Cuneo,

Local and Tourist Office of Cuneo, Municipality of Guarene, Municipality of Alba. Of particular relevance is the collaboration with the Ghetto Film School of Los Angeles and the Giffoni Experience. With the Argentine Embassy in Rome for Italian-Argentine film production collaborations. AmiCorti International Film Festival, established in 2021, currently has 1,000 titles in its catalogue, as well as borrowing in Bluray format, choosing from a catalog of over 2,000 titles chosen from among the fundamental works in the history of cinema, from its origins to

contemporaries. The AmiCorti International Film Festival association organizes AmiCorti IFF every year: the event, born in 2019 from the dissolved cultural association “Gli

  Amici" with the ambitious goal of relaunching the tradition of the AmiCorti IFF International Film Festival - which in its editions hosted the Greek Ministry of Tourism in Peveragno (CN)

strengthening the socio-cultural relations of the two countries, Avi Lerner, Eli Roth, Evgeny Afineevsky, Paul Haggis, Raoul Bova, Sergio Assisi, Patrizio Rispo, Giacomo Battiato, Francesca Chillemi, Salvatore Esposito, Marta Millans, Montea Robinson, Deepak Chopra, Roger Rueff, Nana Ghana, Doug Roland, Steven Prescod, Christiana Capotondi, Al Sapienza, Gabrielle Costa, Gianni Russo, Gisella Marengo, William Brandt, Midia Kiasat, Nolan Funk, Alberto Gimignani, Evangelos Protopapadakis.

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